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Tensions with Algeria: France will ask to "reexamine all agreements" between the two countries, announces Bayrou

Tensions with Algeria: France will ask to "reexamine all agreements" between the two countries, announces Bayrou
By Le Figaro with AFP

Published , updated


François Bayrou, however, affirmed on Wednesday that he had no desire to enter into " escalation " with Algeria, during a press conference following an interministerial committee devoted to immigration.

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François Bayrou announced on Wednesday, February 26, that he had requested an "inter-ministerial audit" on France's "visa issuance policy ." The Prime Minister, speaking to the press after an inter-ministerial committee devoted to immigration control (CICI) meeting at Matignon, indicated that he had "signed (Tuesday) evening a mission letter" requesting this audit from the general inspectorates of the police and Foreign Affairs. He also indicated that France would "ask the Algerian government to re-examine all agreements between the two countries."

The Matignon tenant, however, affirmed that he had no desire to enter into " escalation " with Algeria. Referring to the 1968 agreements between France and Algeria, which according to him are " not respected ", the Prime Minister affirmed that the French government cannot "accept that the situation continues" . " I say this without any desire to escalate, without any desire to outbid ", but " it is the responsibility of the French government to say that the refusals of readmission (of Algerian nationals, Editor's note) are a direct attack on the agreements that we have with the Algerian authorities and that we will not accept it ".

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